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The Range

established 2001

The Ranger Heritage Foundation (RHF) is dedicated to providing resources for Christian training and committed to help boys develop in a Christian atmosphere. The Foundation owns an 80 acre camping/activities area which is called the Range in the foothills of the Manzano Mountains in central New Mexico. A goal of RHF is to make the camping and activities area into a superior site that can provide for a number of activities for boys. The area is dedicated to Royal Rangers of New Mexico. Royal Rangers is an adventure program providing a unique approach to Christian training for the total boy. The purpose of the Royal Rangers ministry is to develop the boy mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially.


The Range hosts a variety of Royal Rangers and FCF events throughout the year. The Range makes available a number of facilities to support events - such as an amphitheater, restroom facilities, shooting range, archery range, blacksmith shop, numerous camping areas, a pavilion and a shower house.

© 2024 by New Mexico Royal Rangers. Royal Rangers Emblem ® 1976 by The General Council of the Assemblies of God; Springfield, Missouri 65802-1894. The Royal Rangers Emblem may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronically, mechanically, photocopies, recording, or otherwise-without prior written permission from the national Royal Rangers Ministries.

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